Selina + Diego's Senior Session // Beatrice, NE

I’ll admit, I’ve been slacking off on my blogging lately! I can’t believe I never showed off these gorgeous photos I captured of Selina and Diego. It was my first TWIN senior session and I loved every minute of it! I loved seeing their (totally) different personalities shine through during our time together. Selina was all sass and Diego would just smirk and go with it. Also they’re both unbelievably adorable, so that always helps!

We started off at a building in downtown Beatrice that I’ve had my eye on for a while now, but never had the chance to shoot at. After that, we headed down the road to a gorgeous gazebo where one of their older sisters had her pictures taken a few years back (awww, right?) and a grassy field for Diego to throw around his football! We ended the night in the PERFECT patch of tall grass on a random dirt road right outside of town. I love being able to just go with the flow and see where the evening leads us! For Seniors especially, I find it really helpful have a general outline of locations and outfits, but I am always willing to move things around when needed. Sometimes the most precious moments are totally unplanned, ya know?

Anyways, here are some of my very favorite shots of the coolest twins around. It was hard to choose which ones to feature, because their whole session was fiiiire!


If you’re interested in booking a session of your own, just click the button below and fill out the form! I would love to make your vision come to life.

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